Radio Frequency
Radio frequency is a non-invasive, non-surgical skin tightening treatment that heats skin tissue to stimulate collagen production. The increased collagen works to tighten and firm skin, improving its overall appearance.
What does the treatment entail?
Radio frequency is applied through a special applicator tip massaged onto the skin. A cool gel is applied to your face, helping the applicator easily glide over skin.
During the treatment you’ll feel heat and slight pulsation or vibration. The gel paired with the applicator can create a hot and cool sensation.
Discomfort is minimal, with some finding the warmth relaxing.
Who does radio frequency help?
Radio frequency is ideal for those experiencing loose skin on the face and neck who aren’t ready or interested in seeking a surgical option. It also improves the overall look and feel of skin for many, including those with mild acne, fine lines and wrinkles.
Who cannot receive radio frequency?
Radio frequency treatments cannot be performed on anyone who fits the following criteria:
has rosacea or eczema
has a rash or sores
is pregnant or nursing
has an autoimmune condition or uses immunosuppressive medications
has a history of or currently has cancer, including skin cancer and premalignant moles
has lupus, epilepsy, or other conditions that may be stimulated by light
patients with a history of diseases stimulated by heat
has poorly controlled endocrine disorders, such as diabetes or PCOS
has and/or has a pacemaker or any cardiac condition such as irregular heartbeat
uses medicinal herbs that induce photosensitivity to light
has had facial laser resurfacing or a deep chemical peel within 3 months
has had any other surgical treatment on the facial area within the last 3 months or before completely healed
If you have any questions or concern about whether radio frequency is right for you, please consult a physician.
How many treatments will I need?
While radio frequency can produce results after just one treatment, the best results will occur with a series of treatments. We recommend six.
Can I pair this with other services?
We recommend pairing it with Rejuvapen microneedling for outstanding results. While microneedling treatments must be spaced for multiple weeks to allow skin to heal, radio frequency treatments can be done just a week apart. This makes it the perfect collagen-boosting service in-between microneedling sessions.
How long will my results last?
This varies depending on individual factors such as the number of treatments and the condition of skin. One to three years is the average.
What are potential side effects?
Some redness is possible immediately following the treatment, though most find it to fade within a few hours. You also might experience a warm sensation in skin for a brief period of time. In some cases, individuals experience very mild peeling in the days afterward.
In very rare instances individuals may experience swelling, redness, bumps, minor burns, and blisters on or around the treatment areas.
What are potential side effects?
A package of 6 sessions is $1050. Add a package of 6 to your microneedling sessions for just $900. Talk to your esthetician about adding radio frequency to other skincare services.